Preparation for Independent Living

Preparing young people for life as a young adult by equipping them with the requisite skills

Positive Pathways places great emphasis on preparing young people for life as a young adult by equipping them with the requisite skills for independent or semi-independent living.  Many of the young people placed with Positive Pathways have remained in placement long-term, occasionally for a period of several years, thereby providing time for pathway planning and preparation for independence.  There is a good track record of helping young people to successfully make the transition to their own accommodation, or semi-independent accommodation/supported living, before or around their 18th birthday.  Some have taken on their own tenancy in a flat or shared house.  The children’s homes utilise an Independent Living Skills Programme (ILSP) for older young people.  This consists of a graded goal-oriented skills development programme involving instruction, guidance and practice to develop and master life skills (e.g. cooking, budgeting, independent travel).